Our By-Laws
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Square Dancing Society of Queensland Inc.
February 2009
Society Square Dancing Society of Queensland Inc.
Constitution Constitution of Square Dancing Society of Queensland inc.
(a) A copy of the Constitution and By Laws of the Society shall be issued to all elected members of the Management Committee.
(b) Clubs, associations and other bodies attached to the Society shall be given a copy of the Constitution and By Laws on joining the Society.
(c) All changes to the Constitution or By Laws are to be conveyed to the members, clubs, associations and other bodies concerned in the Society by means of one of the methods of Communication methods as stipulated in the Constitution of the Society in General Meetings Clause 28.2.
(d) Copies of the Constitution are available to Society members on written request to the Secretary.
(a) Members shall be enrolled / covered in / by an individual insurance policy.
(b) Individual fees:- See Clause 9 Constitution.
(c) As soon as possible after the receipt of a Member Application Form and subscription, the Registrar shall issue a Membership Card to the applicant.
(d) This card shall display the member’s name, membership number and due date for renewal of membership which shall be the 30th. June of each year.
(f) A Code of Ethics shall be printed on the back of each membership card.
(e) Members shall receive a reminder notices from the Registrar inviting renewal of their Individual Membership if renewal of any membership has not been forthcoming at the appropriate time.
SQUARE DANCERS: - These elected dancers are to provide an independent input of views to the meetings of the Society
Assist in the orderly presentation of all dance activities.
Enthusiastically welcome new dancers and visitors.
Assist in the integration of new dancers.
Adopt a standard of dress that is complimentary to the image of the dance movement.
Support clubs special dances and events.
Actively support the promotion of team dancing.
Cooperate with others for the improvement of the activity.
Conduct all events in a mainly non-alcoholic manner.
Attend General Meetings of the Society if at all possible.
Constructive appraisal of any of the Society’s activities politely made to a representative of the Management Committee is most welcome.
Enjoy the activities in such a manner that other dancers are contented with our participation.
Embrace the attributes of team dancing and take advantage of the social pursuits as well as the physical and mental exercise involved in this activity.
Be supportive, helpful and willing to provide assistance when requested.
Be liberal with our praise.
Conduct yourself towards others as we ourselves would like to be considered.
(a) The person proposing a motion or an amendment to a motion shall, at the discretion of the Chairman, be allowed a reasonable time to propose a motion or an amendment and a similar time to close the debate.
(b) Other speakers, at the discretion of the Chairman, shall be allowed reasonable time to speak for or against a motion or an amendment.
(c) Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with common law procedures and the provisions of the Constitution and these By Laws.
(d) All members of the Society are invited to attend Management Committee meetings.
(e) The chairman shall provide a specified time at each Management Committee Meeting to hear any questions or comments from any financial members.
(f) Written questions on notice must reach the Secretary 14 days prior to the meeting day.
(g) All committee personal shall be advised of written questions and special business at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
(h) The Treasurer shall distribute to all Management Committee members an Income and Expenditure Statement as well as a Balance Sheet of each account in his keeping at least 7 days prior to a meeting.
(i) The Treasurer shall inform all committee members of transaction or result they consider should have a more detailed examination at least 7 days prior to meetings.
(j) A meeting shall nominate the date, time and possible venue of the next meeting of that particular body.
Communications from the Society, to the members, clubs and affiliate bodies on all subjects of a general nature shall be accomplished by the methods stipulated in the Constitution of the Square Dancing Society of Queensland Inc. General Meetings Clause 28.2
The Management committee may appoint Regional Representative to each of the following areas, taking into account any expressed wish of the region: -
(a) North Queensland covering the state from Proserpine north.
(b) Central Queensland covering the area from Mackay to Gympie and including the Toowoomba area.
(c) South East Queensland from the North Coast area to the NSW/Qld. border.
(d) These Regional Representatives will endeavour to: -
1 lodge quarterly reports concerning square dancing activities in their area of responsibility;
2 annually ascertain the number of active dancers in their area of responsibility to the best of their ability.
In addition to the duties outlined in the Constitution, Clause 18, the Registrar shall record all necessary information to facilitate the distribution of members’ mail as outlined in Constitution Clause 28.2
These records are to be recorded as ’hard copy’ in the Society’s Register of Members and Affiliates. Duplicate copies will be stored on the computers of both the Register and Secretary.
The Executive Assistant shall: -
(a) be available to assist or replace any of the Secretary, Treasurer or Registrar if that person is absent or requires assistance from time to time.
(b) keep the Queensland Square Dancing web site up to date
(c) act as the Society Librarian
(d) maintain the procedural manual of the Society (Red Book).
The Functions and Events Coordinator shall provide a team of members to assist in arranging events approved by the Society for the Society.
They shall liaise with any body involved in the event.
They shall keep the Executive informed of progress.
The programming of such events shall be subject to the Society’s requirements and shall take into consideration all bodies involved in the function.
Callers shall be arranged by the QCA who shall liaise with the Society re caller eligibility.
See appendix (A)
The State News Letter Editor shall provide a regular means of distributing information about square dancing, articles from the Society, clubs, like organisations, advertising for clubs and any other such copy as the editor considers suitable.
This newsletter shall only be distributed electronically and shall be known as The Banana Benders Bugle.
All recipients are encouraged to reproduce this newsletter as they wish.
From time to time the Committee shall make an allowance to the editor of the state newsletter to assist with cost involved in compiling, printing and distribution of this newsletter.
Cost of advertising in the newsletter are outlined in Appendix C
PROMOTIONS AND PUBLICITY COORDINATOR: - The Promotions and Publicity coordinator shall act as a sub Committee is to promote Square Dancing and to seek out ideas to assist clubs in the recruitment of new dancers.
(a) The Executive Committee, the Management Committee or a General Meeting of the Society may appoint a Chairman of a Sub-Committee to carry out a specific task.
(b) The appointed Chairman of a subcommittee may choose those who will constitute some of the subcommittee.
(c) The appointing committee may appoint additional members to that sub committee.
(d) Members of Sub-Committees, other than the Chairman, need not be members of the Society.
(e) The Chairperson of a subcommittee shall keep all members of the subcommittee informed of all findings and activities of other members of the Sub-Committee.
(f) The Society President shall be an ex-officio member of all Sub-committees excluding National Convention Sub Committee, and shall receive 7 days prior notice of the proposed time and venue of all meetings.
(g) Proposals of the Sub-Committee shall be tabled as a written report at subsequent meetings of the Executive Committee and the appointing body. If no proposals are forthcoming the appointing body shall either extend or dissolve any such subcommittee.
The Executive Committee may authorize a Sub Committees to carry out tasks subject to the following conditions:
(a) No Person shall issue correspondence on behalf of the Society, or use the Society letterhead, without the prior approval of the Executive Committee.
(b) In every approved situation, a copy of all correspondence both inward and outward shall be forwarded to the Society Secretary for inclusion with other correspondence to be presented at the next available meeting of the Executive or Management Committee.
(c) No Person shall receive moneys or incur expenditure in the name of the Society without the prior approval of the Executive Committee.
(d) Such transactions must be carried out in a method acceptable to the Society Treasurer.
(e) Original documents and full details of every such transaction shall be forwarded to the Treasurer and presented as part of the Treasurers Report at the next available Executive or Management Committee meeting.
(f) The Publicity/Promotions Officer may use the name of the Society in public with the prior approval of the Executive Committee.
(g) Full details of all such use shall be presented in a written report from the Publicity/Promotions Officer's at the subsequent Executive or Management Committee meeting.
An allowance of 20c per kilometre shall be paid to members of any committee who are required to travel between towns to attend meetings authorised by the Society Executive. This payment shall not exceeding $80 per vehicle.
The "Office of the Society" shall be deemed to be the address of the Society Secretary in office, and all inward correspondence, excepting all fees, should be addressed accordingly.
All remittances shall be directed to the address of the Treasurer in office.
See Appendix (B).
(a) The purchase price of the Review shall be "cost price", plus postage and handing costs if applicable. Invoices shall be issued annually and paid in advance.
(b) All published material e.g. Diary entries, club news, Advertising and Articles shall be charged at rates determined by the Square Dancing Society of Queensland Inc. and shall be paid in advance.
All remittances should be made payable to the Square Dancing Society of Queensland Inc. and directed to the Treasurer of the Society.
(c) All invoices shall be issued by the Treasurer, after consultation with the Distributor and/or State Editor to ascertain the relative costs.
(d) One copy of all material such as Advertisements, Articles, Diary entries and club news must first be submitted to the State Editor, not sent directly to the Coordinating Editor.
(e) All copy must be in the hands of the State Editor by the 1st. of the month prior to the month of publication, and he/she shall have the sole right to edit or reject material considered inappropriate or excessive, but he/she may refer to the Executive Committee for a ruling if necessary.
(f) Reviews shall be distributed to clubs and affiliate associations.
Individual non club members must arrange for their Review to be obtained through the State Editor.
(g) Club news must not exceed sixty (60) words and shall not contain any advertising material.
(h) Diary entries must be kept up to date for the benefit of all dancers.
These Bylaws are designed to facilitate the domestic procedures of the Society and shall not in any event be interpreted as having precedence over constitutional provisions.
Appendix (A)
Functions & Events – Coordinator’s Role
Below is a summery of the role of Qld Society Functions & Events Coordinators role.
This document is a suggested initial guideline for the person elected to the position described above. It is expected that the role will vary from time to time with inclusions and deletions. Further details of the tasks should be added as the position develops.
The Coordinator is expected to:
Determine what Dance or Event the Management Committee wishes to hold.
Determine a date for the planned event. Liaise with the Executive to determine what location to use. (I see active participation from the Coordinator at this stage).
Liaise with other organisations if applicable – e.g. QCA
Determine the overall program layout at Management Committee level.
Book the venue, check the availability of chairs/tables, supply the society’s insurance details to the hirer. Arrange for the bond to be paid, obtain access on the day of the event and obtain emergency contact phone numbers of a responsible person.
Next level of details:
Set times of sessions.
Admission costs.
Arrange advertising: This will need to be done well ahead of the event time. Advertisements in the Review need to be submitted by the 1st of the month prior to the month of publication.
Arrange for Flyers to be designed to publicise the event and distributed.
Notify Clubs and Callers by post or e-mail.
Prepare or arrange for someone else to prepare callers registration forms.
Seek groups or individuals to volunteer to look after:-
Raffle (if applicable)
Canteen –Drinks/Tea/Coffee
Next Level:
Decorations: Organise a group to plan the decorations.
Theme for the event
Erect the decorations
Set up the hall
Remove after the event.
Sound/Programming: A group of individuals to ascertain what sound equipment is appropriate for the venue and source the equipment. NB. The guidelines in the QCA Handbook shall be used if equipment is being hired from other callers or clubs.
A caller registration form shall be required. This shall be requested to be sent by the QCA to all eligible callers. This shall include Round Dance and Clogging Cuers.
The dance program shall be arranged between the QCA and the Society.
Arrange for programs to be printed and distributed as appropriate for the event.
Supper: If supper is to be supplied by the organising committee, or if “Bring a Plate” supper is to be used, arrange for a group or an individual to take control of the process.
Consideration needs to be given to :
Who supplies the consumables, (Cups, Tea, Coffee, Milk, Sugar etc.).
Are there sufficient tables available at the venue?
Is there access to Hot Water or an Urn?
Door Admission: Dancers or helpers to man the door admission table and collect the money, hand our door tickets etc. Arrange for the supply of tickets, signs, tables and chairs. Someone responsible to pass proceeds to the nominated treasurer.
Raffle. Arrange for a group to source prizes, tickets, signs etc. and to sell raffle tickets at the event. Someone responsible to pass proceeds to the nominated treasurer.
Appendix (B)
Address of the:
Julie Jensen (acting)
Vice President
Lorraine Keenan
Bev McLachlan
Appendix (C)
Cost of advertising in the Banana Benders Bugle.
Members of the Society
Full Page $20
Half Page $10
Quarter Page $5
Non Members of the Society
Full Page $40
Half Page $20
Quarter Page $10